Monday, August 28, 2006

ok...this is the 2nd post of the day...because i am feeling so bored.
Giselle came over to my house visit Oscar...and stayed over...and for today...2 small little birthday cakes specially made for dogs were delivered celebrate Giselle's birthday...though it was 1 day after the actual date...and while Giselle was eating her portion really slowly and lady-like...Oscar was gobbling the cake like a barbarian and ended up making a mess...grr...naughty boy. and so...i had to bathe Oscar again...well at least his messiness kept me busy for a while...and he is looking clean again. now he is playing with Giselle and getting himself covered with Giselle's saliva...ARRRHHH!!!...he's going to stink again.
oh my...i've not gotten milk and some toys for Oscar yet...i'll just have to get them tomorrow...haha.
btw...*Oscar!!! No Dinner for u Tonight!!! u have eaten too much cake.*
haha...before i sign's a picture of Giselle...she is more "gigantic" than