Thursday, December 28, 2006

all bout 2006.

the year 2006 has past really really quickly. it seemed like 1st jan 2006 was just yesterday. to me, it has been quite an eventful year, really different from 2005.
hmm, so let me try to do some flashbacks...think of all the wonderful moments i had this year. here i go...
i miss PSB Corp. seriously. really have to thank uncle albert and bob for showing me the actual working environment and such. they are definitely nice people and i'll never forget them. had also learnt so much from them too.
and definitely, i have to thank God for giving me good results for my O' of my happiest moments indeed.
well, i am glad that i got enrolled into NP and also entered the course i wanted. and really, i did not make the wrong choice. why do i say that? because of the friends that i have made of course.
ever since i entered poly, life has changed. it is no more that kind of 'wake up early every morning and go to school in your school uniform for morning assembly and sing national anthem' life. it is just different. and it seems like time passed even faster. not to forget the nice lecturers we had and also the 'not so nice and evil' ones.
and what's so amazing is network of friends just started to grow and grow without me even realising. and of course...this would not have happened if i didn't join GLs.
so...i do ask myself these questions...'what if i decided to study in a jc instead of a poly? would i be happy? would i be doing fine in there? is it really greener on the other side? would this blog even exist?'
sometimes i just wonder...
this year, i definitely had loads of ups and downs...loads of obstacles to face. and i've defintely emo-ed much much more than 2005. but the good thing is that these 'emo times' helped me go deep in my thoughts and really make me think and ponder about life.
even at times when i am down...i still put a smile on my face and act as if nothing is wrong with me in front of my friends. but anyway...i felt that all the hiccups have made me stronger. all the lessons i learnt have made me grown. not physically...but emotionally...the growth isn't obvious...but every small growth counts and eventually add up to a BIG growth. and of course after reflecting in these experiences and such, i must say i have matured...not alot...not obvious...but still, it is there.
i have to thank my family and friends for all the happy moments i had with them. they have made my year a great one. not to forget...this it so much cause it is the place where i can share my emotions and also bout my life. really thank this blog for being part of my life for the past 5 months.
so all in all...this year has been a wonderful year for me. and i want to enjoy the last few days of 2006 and start a brand new 2007 and make it a beautiful one.
this will be the last post of 2006 and i will not be blogging until i come back from malaysia.
till then...Happy New Year Everyone! bye.