Saturday, February 03, 2007


southpark is good for you.
it can help you de-stress.
because exams make you become stupid(brain cells are killed.).
because exams make you grow fat(you tend to snack while studying.).
because exams make you ugly(pimples start to pop out like nobody's business.).
exams, exams, exams...
they make you foam.(the stress-factor.)
they make you tired.(the long hours of studying.)
they make you sick.(immune system starts to break down because of the long hours of studying.)
so people, if you are encountering any of these above symptoms, please go watch southpark to de-stress. don't bother to see the doctor.
let me tell you why seeing a doctor doesn't help.
it makes you more stress because you need to spend money just to see the doctor.
it makes you drowsy because of the medicine you put into your mouth.
it makes you sleep more. more time is wasted.
and you get more stress because there wouldn't be time for you to study. need southpark as a stress reliever.
it helps.