Saturday, November 04, 2006

what's happening?

omg...what the heck is wrong with my stomach and digestive system man???...ok...i "lao sai"-ed la!!! and it is most probably because of the prata i ate last night...oh man...i remembered the last time i ate it...the next day also tio "lao sai". is it because of the prata???...or is it because of my digestive system??? it can't be the egg...cause it is cooked. the onions??? that i'm not sure bout it. but i can eat onions should be nothing wrong what...unless the onions aren't cooked properly or something.
but anyway...i am now fine...and i still LOVE to makan prata.
i wish i will not "lao sai" ever again.
i wanna shit properly and i wanna enjoy shitting like last time. =((
well...i've got nothing much to blog for now...will just have to do math.