Monday, April 30, 2007


i think i am a damn unlucky boy la.
let me tell ya why...
1) i have big teeth and small jaws. this has caused overcrowding of my teeth.
2) i have some teeth with abnormal structure. this causes them to chip easily...leading to more problems.
3) because of these abnormal teeth, bacterial infections are prone to occur when chipped.

went for my dental appointment just now. my dentist checked my teeth...and he said he will need to extract 4 teeth. for today, he only extracted 2...1 of them is the tooth that is dead cause of the stupid bacteria which damaged the nerve of that tooth...the other is some bad tooth or something.
need to make another appointment to remove the other 2.
now the right side of my mouth feels numb...cause of the donno-what-thing that was injected to cause the numbness.
my mouth feels empty. =(