Tuesday, April 24, 2007

things are happening.

it's the 2nd day of the week and it's getting.....exciting???
ok maybe not...
cause for the past 3 days, i've been suffering from headaches only in the afternoons. everytime when my left jaw starts to hurt, the left side of my head starts to ache. think it has to do with one of my tooth. i hate the feeling...the pain is like really making me feel tired. oh well...i am going to the dentist on friday. hope it is not something major.

the headache thing is so not exciting...

now here's some exciting news...i got into NRA!!! D3! serene, beesim, denyse, eileen, rees also got in too! had audition and it was scary can...i was super nervous. have to thank vanessa for telling me that i can go for audition even though i didn't write my name during the CCA Fiesta. and now that i got in...i've got to commit and work hard! not to forget...do my best! i am so excited can!
