Monday, October 08, 2007


i didn't know i've hurt so many.
i really didn't mean it at all.
i didn't know that my actions could do so much damage.
but at least, now i know what i did was wrong.
i'll change.


yea, i'm back from camp.
going back to kota tinggi the 2nd time sure brings back memories.
i miss montuwed.
guacamole was a different experience.
aphrodite was the most unique group i had.
i love aphrodite!!

the trek up to mt panti was alright.
but different.
the 1st trek up, which was last year was a great achievement for me.
but the 2nd time was just...different loh.
and no leeches came up to me and feast on my blood...the 2nd time!
the power of leg hair.

it was great to see the GLs in aphrodite getting bonded.
getting themselves involved in discussions, working together, supporting one another.
aphrodite shocked me during campfire night.
i knew that they were not ready to perform, but during their performance, they did the best they could do and had fun.
big round of applause!

all in all, i'm really proud of aphrodite!!!