Friday, February 15, 2008


ok, so my family (minus my dad) + relatives are in MELBOURNE!
and here i am, at home, studying for exams. they are definitely having much more fun than me.
home alone!
it's now just me and my notes...

there's Oscar with me, but sorry my dear dog, it's exam time and i can't attend to you that much. i think he doesn't mind though, he should be satisfied that i feed him everyday, clear his pee and poop when he does his business, and finally, have water to drink.

anyway, my dad went back to cambodia today, after a long CNY break in singapore. and i am damn pissed with him! actually all along i get damn irritated with the things he do.

1) Not making sure that the house is clean - yes, when i got back home after my CCTA exam, i was so pissed with what i saw. ANTS ON THE LIVING ROOM TABLE! and it's definitely not me who did it, because i've always been in my room with my lecture notes for the past few days. and the only person who is forever outside in the living room, watching tv and wasting his life away when he's at home is my dad. i hate seeing ants crawling around, especially on tables! and i had to clear and wipe the table, vacuum and mop the floor, make sure there's no more ants around. i was like so tired after the exam and i have to clean up the stupid mess when i got home. i find it very inconsiderate to actually just leave the house and not make sure that the area you have been using is clean and ant-free. it's like my dad sat at the living room like for so long, and he didn't realise that there are ants on the table? that's ridiculous man. although ants are small, but they can definitely be seen.

2) Dumping a whole pile of clothes inside a basket - i don't understand why my dad can't wash his own clothes and LEARN how to use the washing machine, when he has so much free time to sit in front of the tv. it only takes a few minutes to start the washing machine running.

3) Leaving his bowls and utensils on the table after his meals - i think it's basic responsibility to at least bring your used bowls/plates/utensils to the sink, even if you don't want to wash it. the house isn't a food court/hawker centre/restaurant. and i think its damn rude to do this at other people's house too. during CNY day 3 at my aunt's place, my dad can just leave his bowl and chopsticks on the dining room and just leave his seat. my other aunt has to clear it up for him. it's f*cking disgraceful for god's sake.

4) Not helping in looking after the dog for just 1 day - yes, although the dog isn't his, but still, it's part of the family. my mum reminded my dad to help feed Oscar while we were all away in Kukup. but when we arrived back home the next day, Oscar's area was like so damn messy and his bowl was like sooooo clean (like those kind of just wash dishes that kind of clean). he didn't even bother to feed and help clear up a little bit. how selfish. feeding a dog doesn't take long, it can be done like in 30 seconds? and clearing up the pee and poop also won't take long. plus, my dog is newspaper trained and he pees on the newspaper which is placed on a pee-ing tray so that clear up would be easier.

there's more, but the thought of it can just make me boil.
the way i see him waste his time at home really pisses me off. all he does is just come back and make a mess and not make himself useful at all. and in the end, we got to clear up his mess.

whatever, i'm going to sleep.