Saturday, July 12, 2008


my orange pencil case, i found it back! =)


and i was actually quite sad when i couldnt find it since wednesday.
because the pencil case was my birthday gift when year 1.
and i really like my calculator, so much nicer than the SHARP calculator i used in secondary school. super ugly that model.

did a good deed today.
summer, sherlene and i, we found a nokia phone at BK while having dinner after SMU production.
it suddenly rang and vibrated on the table beside us, and got french fries box on top of it.
the 3 of us decided to be good people and returned the phone to the owner. losing something is not funny matter.
the phone got picture of a female. and i thought it was a tranny, serious. it looked like one.
then the owner was a male, cause the voice sounds like one. scary hur, almost thought that the owner is really a tranny. turns out, the owner is really a male, no sex change at all, so the picture is his girlfriend i suppose.
we will have good karma, i believe we will!!
and our good karma will be...becoming dope in dancing. =)

but it comes with hardwork. the good karma will come after that.