Sunday, February 15, 2009

life and death,
babies born, people die.
some are allowed to live as long as a ripe age of 80 plus or even more.
some only get to live for a few minutes.
and there are some that dont even get their first breath.

have you ever wondered about the choices you made in life?
what would happen if you were to make a dfiferent choice?
maybe things could have changed if you did this instead of that.

but whatever it is,
this week itself, taught me another thing.
we got to treasure and cherish the ones that we love.
yes, heard that a million of times!
but somehow, this statement only strikes us hard when someone leaves us.
still, let's try to treasure our loved ones.

but more importantly, be proud and treasure the life that you have now.
be grateful that we are all still breathing, able to walk, talk, dance :), and do many more things.
because there are people out there, who are not as lucky as us.
there are people out there who only have a few days/months/years to live,
but they make full use of what they have and they are happy.
let's not think about how much time we have left,
let us think about how wonderful we can make our present life be.