Friday, June 01, 2007

first chicken chop meal with braces.

finally! it's friday!
hip hip, HOORAY!
well, i am so happy that i had my FIRST chicken chop meal with braces on.
it's so different eating it with and without braces.
chicken chop+fries+mash potato+soup
omg, my mouth is starting to water.
i took a damn long time to finish the whole plate, like 30 minutes.
on the other hand, it took alvin & nadjmi like less than 15 minutes to clear their plates.
and what did i get after having my chicken chop meal? let's see...
filled stomach+tired mouth+satisfied face+food stuck on my braces+'i so want to clear the food particles' face
and i was so afraid that the wire would snap in my mouth. but it didn't.
the chicken chop meal is like a kind of treat for me. i survived 1 week & 2 days with braces on!!!
and i am slowly starting to get use to it too. =D

great thing there wasn't any biochem practical today. hate all the plotting of graphs using excel. not to forget the regression shit and confidence interval crap.

biostats & instru common tests next week.
'JOEL! you got to STUDY!'
'please motivate yourself like how you used last time.'
'please don't fail.'
'don't be lazy!'
'7 june! 7 june! 7 june!'

having porridge for dinner. T____T