Thursday, April 17, 2008

it's finally here!!

the actual performance is here!!
about 9 more hours to showtime. feeling excited yet nervous, well, it's a mixed feeling.
i just wanna go up stage and show the audience how much i sacrificed and worked hard for the past 2 months. it's just 2 items, but i really did put in effort in them.
but it's my first time performing, so...wish me luck! =D
i hope my legs dont wobble like jelly when i am on stage, or else it would be damn obvious.
focus!! that's what i need right now. confidence!! i can do it, and i know it. FAITH!! that's what everyone needs to have right now.

1 week sure passed real quickly. and there are things that i wanna blog about, but everyday come back at like 12am++, then by the time i munch onto something, it's already like 1am.
and especially yesterday and today, lessons at 8am!! so tired lah!
and YES, i skipped the first IS lesson at 8am. same reason, too tired to come out from bed.
if lessons are at 8am, i've got to wake up at 6am leh!! and now, 5-6 hours of sleep are still not enough.
well, anyway i just have to explain to my lecturer who is taking that IS module i missed about my absence and everything. hope he/she (weird chinese name) understands.

and i am so happy! finally get to wear labcoat and enter lab to do abit of labwork. denyse and i only made 500ml of media!! but still, it's a sign that we are gonna start real real soon. and i've got to really envy denyse, because she is so good in doing calculations. much much better than me. told you i am not the math type of person.
and i really do feel that having 1 supervisor is better than having 2. at least when you have 1 supervisor, you can always find him/her and your supervisor can guide you more easily.
but when you have 2 supervisors, their thoughts sometimes clash, and this makes you lost and not know what to really do.

ok, whatever. not gonna get deeper into the topic.

jiayou NRA!!