Friday, February 09, 2007

fuck math.

fuck math a thousand times!!!
crap! why must wong yet ling set such a tough paper this time? doing some comparison with last year's august paper, i found the august paper was much easier than the damn paper i took today.
there was this question which i forgot how to do. and the last question just didn't make any sense. and for the rest of the questions, i don't even know whether i got them right.
i seriously don't have this chromosome in me that proves that i am a math type of person.
every drop of brain juice is a number written on the exam paper.
i am seriously not sure whether i can pass this module. though i have done some calculations and have concluded that i do need to at least get 40/100 to pass the entire module, i am still not sure whether i can pass. what if i get 30/100 instead?
argh...heck it!
i have done my best for the paper, i've done all i could for the paper, wrote whatever i could write on the paper, squeezed as much brain juice as possible.
so i shall not let the math paper affect me. i still have 3 more papers to handle.
for now i should just work harder for the rest of the papers and hope for the best.
"if it is mine, it is mine...if it isn't, then it isn't."
i think this sentence really makes applies to whatever you do.
and i feel that this sentence also applies to all those small kids today who have gotten their O Level results. so to all those who have done well, good for you. to all those who didn't do that well, hmm...well...don't brood over it too long.
oh to the screen of the TV!!! haha.