Friday, September 14, 2007

the good, the bad & the things in between.

i think it's damn embarrassing to walk up the bus, miss your step and headbutt a guy's butt infront of you.
to make it worst, the bus got quite a number of passengers who saw it.
and it happened to me yesterday, after a pool session with donald, alvin and nadjmi.
think the guy was shocked when he felt his butt got headbutted by my head.
it was an accident...PURE accident.
lucky it was a guy, not a girl.
if the person was a girl, i think i would have got slapped on the face man.
or who knows, kana sued...
embarrassing journey back home.

head headbutt butt...LOL!

anyway, today's the results day.
the day i was so not looking forward to.
but still, no matter how much i don't want it to come, it still has to.
abe gave me an early morning wake up call, just a few minutes after 9am.
and so, i checked my results...
and i passed all modules! heng ar...

biochem: C
instru: D+
biostats: D
GPA: 1.53

amazingly, i got a C for biochem. a relief to see D+ for both MOBIO and instru, i thought i would fail both. but the shocking thing was that, i got a D for biostats. how come?
and my GPA totally sucks balls man. but i kinda expected it to be that lousy.
imagine slacking the semester, failing your entire common tests, and in the end, studied really hard for the exams because you feared to repeat any modules.
i've learnt my lesson, i really got to work extra hard next semester and pull my GPA higher.

went for a haircut too.
went back to the same hair salon, but then the lady who cut my hair twice wasn't there.
so i let this guy cut it.
i told him i wanted my hair to be layered, shorter. but at the same time, behind leave it abit longer.
he did leave my hair behind a lil longer...
but then, he didn't focus much on the other areas.
the top, fringe, sideburns.
my hair practically looked the same before i let him cut.
so i had to ask him to cut my fringe and sideburns to make it look better.
yes, and it looked so much neater with the sideburns and fringe trimmed.
but then i still feel my hair look damn weird, it looks like a mushroom.
ok, whatever.
nevermind about the hair, it can grow back.

and i went for my job interview. Marks & Spencer at Centrepoint.
scary lahhh...because when i reached there, got quite a number of people also there for interview.
so i took time to fill up the form and gave it to the interviewer.
by then, there were only a few people left.
then there was this lady who was also going for the interview, she looked really fierce because of her glasses. but she was really nice, she offered me a seat and she said it would take quite awhile before i was called in. so nice.
but then, i was called in 5 minutes later.
the interviewer was nice too, asked me more about myself and whether i can juggle both work and studies at the same time when the new semester started.
i think i can do it, everyone has 24 hours, it's how we spend it to the max.
she told me that she will get back to me about my working days and shifts.
i hope she calls me soon, can't wait to start work.
although it's gonna be my 1st time juggling work, studies, dance and GL trainings.
but then, i wanna start work, and experience and learn new things.

finally, after 2 weeks, i went for dance.
missed out alot during that 2 weeks...2 lessons in fact.
i was really afraid that Ann would continue with that choreo, and i wouldn't be able to catch up.
but luckily, she taught us a new choreo.
and i found it manageable. =D
so long never dance, lost alot of stamina.
i was like kinda panting during the lesson.
warm up was rahhh! and isolations were like rustier than before.
time to practise!