Wednesday, June 04, 2008

in 2 months time.

common tests are over!!
nothing to celebrate about lah, just relieved that it is over.
the only thing i know is that i wont do well. =(
whatever! it's over already. no point thinking about it, it's just common tests.
anyway, it's HOLIDAYS!! yea, although everyday still need to come back to school do experiments, at least can take a short break from all the module shit.
experiments for FYP, so far so good!! lucky no contamination, if not have to start all over again, from 1 vial. wouldnt want that to happen. now already scale up the cells to T75 flasks!! just hope the cells continue to grow well. although time is running out, but at least things are going smoothly. with that, i am kinda contented. hope the adaptation of cells to 0% serum would end in 2 months, then can continue to the next phase.

can you believe it?
i sold my gameboy advance for just $18!!
yea, to cash converters. made a freaking BIG loss please, the person even wanted to offer $12.
but then, no choice lah. that is the nature of their business. buy from you low low price, sell at higher prices. that's where they make their profit.
and i dont play my gameboy advance already. it had been lying on my shelf for like 'dont-know-how-long' already. might as well just get rid of it.
so you must be thinking, 'why you need money, until sell your gameboy advance for $18?'
here's your answer!! FOR THIS...
yea, ipod nano!!
i've been saving money for this, because i'm not working and i feel bad asking my mum to buy me one. so the only way is to save up loh!
and why i want to buy it?:

1) it looks like a biscuit to me.
2) i need music in a portable device, and a handphone i feel, it's not the best device for music.
3) i hate to push too many buttons, especially when you are trying to scroll and search for your favourite music to listen to.
4) travelling kinda sucks without music to entertain you.
5) experiments do get kinda boring at times.

ok, i cant give 10 good reasons. but i guess 5 is a good number. make that 4 lah, since the first one is kinda nonsense.
and my saving $$$ plan is really going very well. i should be able to buy it within 2 months?
i just got to keep up the momentum.
yea, and my saving $$$ plan isnt gonna stop even after i've bought an ipod nano. it's gonna continue but not as hardcore like now lah.

the stagnant phase
i dont like it at all...
i shall give myself 2 months.