Thursday, August 23, 2007

the end.

finally, i can get some super good quality rest.
from all the studying, from all the super late nights, from all the stress and worrying.
today marks the end of exams and semester and the start of holidays.
like finally man!!!

i seriously don't know whether i'll be able to pass.
kinda disappointing to make stupid mistakes that are worth so much of marks.
all i hope for is at least a C for biostats and Ds for MOBIO, biochem and instru.
i would be damn happy if i get these grades for this semester.
although my GPA would be really low, but all i hope is not to repeat any modules next semester.
especially MOBIO and instru.
all i can do now is just hope, what is done is done.
i know i did my best for all 4 papers, so...i should be happy! =)

more than a week of studying.
and now that the holidays are here.
i should not think too much about the results.
for now, i shall just relax and take a good break from all the schooling, studying and exams.
time to do what i do best, ENJOY!!!